We cannot solve our problems using the same thinking that created them.

Same Day
Voter Registration

November 2nd, 617 Scoon Road, Sunnyside


Register to Vote!

"Bad officials are elected by good citizens who don’t vote." - George Jean Nathan

Your voice speaks louder in local elections than in presidential elections. Unlike federal elections, in which your vote is diluted among millions and then weighted and interpreted by the electoral college, local elections are direct and total in the hundreds. Moreover, when our leaders at the very top fail us, it is often local and state officials who can step in and make change. By voting in local elections and holding our officials accountable, you can help spark the change we want to see in our world.

Register Online

You can Register online at VoteWa for the November 2 Election, up to October 25. VoteWa also allows you to check and update your registration, and track your ballot submission.

Voter Guides


  • November 02, Tuesday: Election Day
    Your ballot must be postmarked no later than Nov 2, or returned to an official drop box by 8pm, or submitted in person at Sunnyside’s same day registration/voting site at Neighborhood Health Sunnyside on 617 Scoon Road.
  • October 25, Monday : Last day to register online
  • October 15, Friday : Ballots mailed to registered voters
  • October 08, Friday : Voter Guides mailed to household of registered voters.

Problems With Your Ballot

  • Haven’t received your ballot yet.

    Ballots are mailed 18 days before an election. So for the 2021 November 2 General Election they will be mailed October 15. You can track your ballot at voteWa. If you believe there has been a problem receiving your ballot or if you have moved or on vacation then contact the Yakima County Election Department at 509-574-1340.

  • Ballot has been lost or destroyed

    Request a replacement from the Yakima County Election Department
    128 N. Second Street, Room 117
    Yakima, WA 98901-2639 map
    Office Hours: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
    Phone: 509-574-1340
    Email: iVote@co.yakima.wa.us
    Website: http://www.yakimacounty.us/vote/

  • It’s Nov 2 and I can’t find my ballot, or forgot to register

    Same day registration and voting is available at
    Neighborhood Health Sunnyside, 617 Scoon Road

Dropbox Locations

  • Adjacent to the Post Office
    Available 24 hours/day 7 days/week
    Corner of S 8th St
    E Edison Ave
    Sunnyside 98944 map

  • Neighborhood Health Sunnyside
    Available election day only 8am-8pm
    617 Scoon Road
    Sunnyside 98944 map

  • Locations of other Yakima County drop boxes

More Information